Midday Blog Roundup


Climate Change Abroad Matthew Yglesias
The Second Cup – M. Parlett, TechRepublican
Obama a Bystander at Notre Dame – E. Kilgore, 538.com
Obama Admin. Set on Igniting Trade War – Streiff, RedState
The Great Deflector – M. Cottle, The Plank
Don’t Let Congress Turn 2009 into 1984 – I. Murray, The Corner
Cornyn’s Complicated KBH Situation – S. Singiser, DailyKos
Pelosi’s Days are Numbered – K. Taylor, Minority Report
Sanford Wants to Eliminate Social Security – J. Lewison, DailyKos
Did Obama Flip Flop on Military Commissions? – E. Morrissey, HotAir
Dobson Politics – S. Benen, Political Animal
Lieberman on Military Commissions – M. Goldfarb, Weekly Standard
Tea bagging by Teleconference – A. Koppelman, Salon
Companies Say Obama Inflated Promises AgainMichelle Malkin
Debt: A Writer’s Life Megan McArdle


Obama Picks NY Health Chief for CDC Post The Hill
Detainee Released to Joine Relatives in FranceWaPost
GM Notifying 1,100 Dealers That They Will Be Dropped NYTimes
Logic Doesn’t Soften the Blow to Dealers Detroit Free Press