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Giuliani calls Brennan a ‘blowhard’ for threat to sue over security clearances

President Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who represents the president in the Russia investigation, mocked former CIA Director John Brennan as a “blowhard” on Monday and urged him to follow through on his threat to sue over the revocation of security clearances.

“Today President Trump granted our request (Jay Sekulow and me) to handle your case. After threatening if you don’t it would be just like Obama’s red lines,” Giuliani said.

{mosads}The former New York City mayor, who joined Trump’s legal team in April, appeared to suggest he would represent Brennan in a case against the Trump administration.

“Come on John you’re not a blowhard?” Giuliani added.

After Trump announced last week he was revoking Brennan’s security clearance, the ex-CIA chief said on “Meet the Press” on Sunday that he is considering taking legal action to block the president from doing the same to other former officials.

“If my clearances and my reputation as I’m being pulled through the mud now, if that’s the price we’re going to pay to prevent Donald Trump from doing this against other people, to me it’s a small price to pay,” Brennan said.

“I’m going to do whatever I can personally to try to prevent these abuses in the future, and if it means going to court, I will do that,” added Brennan, who is among the president’s fiercest critics.

Trump on Monday blasted Brennan as the “worst CIA Director in our country’s history” and also encouraged him to sue.

“It will then be very easy to get all of his records, texts, emails and documents to show not only the poor job he did, but how he was involved with the Mueller Rigged Witch Hunt,” Trump tweeted. “He won’t sue!

After revoking Brennan’s clearance, Trump said he is considering pulling the clearances of several other former intelligence officials involved in special counsel Robert Mueller‘s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. 

Most of those officials have been vocally critical of the president, prompting speculation the move would be retaliatory.

The White House attributed its decision to revoke Brennan’s clearance to what they called Brennan’s “erratic” appearances on television where they say he has made “unfounded” allegations against the current administration. The White House also claimed Brennan has lied during congressional testimony in the past.