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Khanna: Feinstein offer to be temporarily replaced on key panel not enough

Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) on Thursday said the suggestion from Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) that she be temporarily replaced on the Senate Judiciary Committee was “a step,” but said the process to have her replaced was “not that simple” after he called for the 89-year-old senator to resign on Wednesday.

“It’s a step, but as has been reported, it’s not that simple,” Khanna said in an appearance on CNN. “Any Republican senator can object to that … we have to see if that’s even possible.”

Khanna became the first House Democrat to publicly call for Feinstein’s resignation on Wednesday. The six-term senator has been dealing with ongoing health complications and has been in California, meaning the Judiciary Committee has been unable to pass through judicial nominees for floor votes. 

In the wake of calls for her to resign from Democratic colleagues, Feinstein announced that she was asking Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) to appoint a temporary replacement for her on the committee, a request that Schumer said he would abide by. 

But the move to replace Feinstein on the committee would require 60 votes in the Senate, and it was unclear whether Republicans would be willing to adhere to a move that could help Democrats push through more judicial nominees.

Khanna said the barrier of Republican support made him think that Feinstein should still ultimately resign from the Senate instead of seeking a temporary replacement on the committee.

“My question is why not just take the step and resign?” Khanna said. “Instead of going through all of these motions.”

Feinstein’s health and ability to serve in the Senate have long been an issue, and the latest health complications have placed a renewed spotlight on her availability. While she said she plans to return to the Senate when she is able to finish her term, she does not plan on running for reelection in 2024.

Democrats have already started to line up for the soon-to-be vacant Senate seat. Khanna, who briefly considered a bid of his own for the seat, has since endorsed Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) in the race.