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Trump donor hired Cohen as consultant on business pitch to Qatar: report

A major donor to President Trump’s inauguration reportedly hired the president’s longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, as a consultant amid a push to do business with Qatari officials. 

The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that Franklin Haney, who donated $1 million to Trump’s inauguration fund, pitched a nuclear-power investment to the Qatari sovereign-wealth fund last month.

Cohen, who is under criminal investigation, joined Haney and a leader of the Qatar Investment Authority at the meeting, where Haney sought an investment for his nuclear project. There is no indication Qatar agreed to a deal, the Journal reported.


Cohen reportedly also pitched the Qatari official on a separate infrastructure project.

Haney had reportedly previously donated to Democrats, including former President Obama.

His company is currently working to complete two nuclear reactors in Alabama, and is seeking an extension of tax credits from the Trump administration.

Haney is the latest person to have reportedly hired Cohen for consulting work.

Swiss drug company Novartis and AT&T have both acknowledged they paid Cohen for advice on how to approach the Trump administration on particular issues. Officials from both companies have called the arrangement “a mistake.”

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who represents Trump in the Russia probe, has said the president “was unaware” Cohen solicited payments from those companies.

In addition, Cohen reportedly offered Qatari government officials access to the president in exchange for at least $1 million. Qatar declined the offer.

Cohen is reportedly under investigation for possible bank fraud and campaign finance law violations.