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Poll: Trump drops below 40 percent approval in Michigan

Just under 40 percent of Michigan voters approve of President Trump’s job performance, according to a poll released late Monday.

The poll, commissioned by The Detroit News and Detroit’s NBC affiliate WDIV, found 39.5 percent of Michigan voters approve of Trump and 54 percent disapprove.

In addition, 54 percent of Michigan voters said they believe Trump is unqualified to be president, according to the poll. That number is down from 63 percent in a September poll.

The poll was conducted Jan. 16-19 and had a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points. 

Trump has struggled with low approval ratings for much of his first year in office. A recent NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll pegged his approval rating at 39 percent, the lowest of any first-year president in decades. 

Nearly half of Michigan voters — 49 percent — approve of Trump’s handling of the economy.

However, most voters disapprove of his performance on health care and foreign policy, the poll found, with 63 percent disapproving of the latter.

Another 60 percent of Michigan voters found Trump reportedly calling Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries” to be racist.

In addition to House races, Michigan will hold elections this year for governor and lieutenant governor. Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D) is also up for reelection in November.

Michigan was a key swing state that Trump won in the 2016 presidential election. He topped Hillary Clinton by just over 10,000 votes.

Former President Obama (D) won Michigan comfortably in 2008 and 2012.