
Poll: Gillespie leading in Virginia governor’s race

Republican candidate Ed Gillespie is ahead of Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam (D) just two weeks before the Virginia gubernatorial election, according to a new poll.

Gillespie leads Northam by 8 points, 41 to 33 percent, among likely voters in a Hampton University Center for Public Policy poll released Wednesday. Twenty-seven percent remain undecided.

The Democratic candidate has led in a majority of other recent polls, holding a 5.8-point lead in the RealClearPolitics polling index.


Democrats and Republicans have rushed to support their candidates in the heated race ahead of the Nov. 7 election.

Former President Barack Obama hit the campaign trail for Northam earlier this month, and both he and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton have raised funds for his campaign.

Gillespie has also enlisted the support of top Republicans, with Vice President Pence and former President George W. Bush both speaking at fundraising events for his campaign.

The Hampton University Center for Public Policy poll of 750 likely voters was conducted Oct. 18–22 via landlines and cellphones and has an overall margin of error of 4.2 percentage points.