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Alabama Dem threatens impeachment over judge’s domestic assault arrest

Rep. Terri Sewell (D-Ala.) on Wednesday stepped up her pressure on a federal judge in Alabama to resign over his domestic violence arrest — warning of an embarrassing impeachment trial if not. 

Sewell said she and other members of the Alabama delegation would “absolutely” move for impeachment proceeding if Judge Mark Fuller does not step down. 

{mosads}”I really hope that Judge Fuller will do the right thing and resign so that he will spare us the expense and the public humiliation, Alabama, the public humiliation of going through an impeachment proceedings,” she said on MSNBC. 

Sewell’s warning came the same day both Republican Alabama senators — Richard Shelby and Jeff Sessions — joined her in calling for Fuller’s resignation. Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), who led a committee in 2010 to convict a separate judge on impeachment charges, also called for his resignation.  

Fuller was arrested last month after his wife accused him of violently assaulting her at a hotel. He accepted a plea deal earlier this month, according to reports, that would get the charge dropped if he completes drug and alcohol treatment and completes a domestic violence program. He was appointed by former President George W. Bush in 2002. 

The issue has received increased attention amid criticism of the NFL for its delayed punishment of former Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice, who punched his now-wife, Janay Rice, unconscious in February. 

He was suspended from the league indefinitely and cut from the team after video of the incident went public last week.  

“You know, I think that it is important to note that if an NFL player can lose his job over domestic violence, then surely a federal judge should not be able to have a lifetime appointment on the bench,” Sewell said. “He should lose that as well.”

The House has started impeachment proceedings more than 60 times, the last coming in 2010 when federal judge Thomas Porteous was impeached and removed from the bench in Louisiana on corruption charges.