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Clinton, Obama have secret lunch at WH

Hillary Clinton had lunch with President Obama at the White House on Thursday, People magazine revealed in a tweet that was quickly deleted then reposted.

A White House official confirmed, “The President enjoyed an informal, private lunch with Secretary Clinton at the White House this afternoon.”

The lunch was not on the president’s official schedule and the print pool reporter working Thursday, Steve Dennis of CQ Roll Call, filed a complaint about the lack of transparency.

After the People magazine tweet began to circulate on Twitter, it was removed from the account and reposted once a White House official confirmed the news.

Obama and Clinton had lunch at the White House nearly a year ago in July as well.
The former first lady is seen as the early favorite for the Democratic nomination for president in 2016. Vice President Biden has also expressed interest in a run.

The magazine announced Wednesday Clinton’s first media interview of her upcoming book tour was with the publication. The interview will run June 6.