Senate races

Sanders: I’m already writing my inaugural address

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) says he’s already writing his inaugural address despite being behind Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton in the polls.

“Have I started writing my inauguration speech, as opposed to the speech I have to give tomorrow? Look, the answer is yes.” Sanders told The Huffington Post in an interview published Thursday.

Sanders said he thinks about the responsibilities of the office if he should win.

{mosads}“It is a very sobering thing to be thinking about oneself as president of the United States and the enormous responsibilities that go with that,” he added.

In the interview with The Huffington Post, Sanders also praised President Obama, saying his effort to overcome the “racism still permeating in American society” adds to his “extraordinary” accomplishments as commander in chief.

“And by the way, in that regard, while I have had my disagreements with Barack Obama, I think under extraordinary conditions, with unprecedented obstructionism thrown at his face every day, with the vestiges of racism still permeating in American society, I think his intelligence and his focus have been — and his discipline — have been extraordinary, OK?” Sanders said.

“Now do I have my disagreements with Barack Obama? Absolutely. But I have a lot of respect for the guy,” he added.