Senate races

Robocall: Vote for GOP to see Obama cry

The Tea Party Patriots is launching an election-eve robocall across Kansas featuring Sen. Pat Roberts’s (R-Kan.) primary challenger, radiologist Milton Wolf, urging residents to vote Republican “to see Barack Obama cry.”

{mosads}In the robocall, Wolf makes no mention of his former foe, simply suggesting listeners vote for the GOP. 

“Do the politicians deserve your vote? Maybe not. But you deserve to see Barack Obama cry, when we Republicans work together to send Democrats like [Senate Majority Leader] Harry Reid [D-Nev.] packing,” Wolf says.

He further urges anyone who wants “to see Obama tears” to join him in voting Republican.

The robocall will hit 252,000 Kansas Republican households on Monday.

Roberts is locked in a fierce battle with independent Greg Orman, with most recent polling showing the two tied.

The incumbent has struggled to consolidate his base, after a bruising primary with Wolf angered many conservatives. In a surprise move, Wolf endorsed the incumbent last week.

Many national Tea Party groups have come around to the establishment-backed candidates they once opposed, putting aside their differences with the prospect of a Republican Senate majority so attainable. Tea Party Patriots President Jenny Beth Martin made no mention of Roberts in the release announcing the robocall, and instead emphasized the significance of taking back the Senate.

“Taking away Harry Reid’s majority and his nuclear option is the first step in working toward personal freedom, economic freedom and a debt-free future,” she said.