Senate races

Warren backs Braley, Weiland for Senate

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, along with the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC), threw her support behind two Democratic Senate candidates, Rep. Bruce Braley in Iowa and Rick Weiland in South Dakota.

While Braley’s considered a top-tier contender for Democrats and has the edge in his race, Weiland, a former regional director of FEMA, is a long-shot.

Though he’s the only Democrat running for Senate in South Dakota, he still hasn’t picked up the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee’s support and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) — who actively worked to recruit another option for the race — remains skeptical of his candidacy.

South Dakota currently appears to be the likeliest state held by Democrats to flip this cycle. Washington Democrats believe Weiland isn’t a good fit for the state, and its deep red tint all but delivers the seat to Republicans.

But Weiland’s picked up some support from national progressive groups, including Howard Dean’s Democracy for America, which could give him a needed fundraising boost and raise his profile in the race. Republicans are expected to nominate former Gov. Mike Rounds for the seat.

In a fundraising email to the PCCC’s members, Warren touts Braley’s leadership of the Populist Caucus in the House and Weiland’s focus on campaign finance reform, among other issues.

“I know we can count on Bruce and Rick to be strong voices in our fight to level the playing field for working families — whether it’s protecting Social Security for our seniors, making college more affordable for our kids, or holding powerful interests accountable,” she writes.