Senate races

Conservative ‘Dump the Leadership’ launches six-figure campaign

The conservative group ForAmerica is pushing to oust GOP leaders in both the House and Senate with a new campaign called “Dump the Leadership.”

The organization, long a critic of both House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), calls on both leaders to step down in its new online advertising campaign.

{mosads}ForAmerica Chairman Brent Bozell tells The Hill that the group is likely to spend at least $675,000 on the web campaign between now and the November election, and could increase the sum to more than a million dollars in the future.

“We need new leadership,” Bozell said. “People are tired of supporting the Republican PArty because of the lack of leadership. These leaders have broken their word too many times and they need to be replaced. These men are simply not up to the task.”

Bozell ripped both Boehner and McConnell, and said the 4.5 million Facebook fans the group has will likely jump into action to support the group’s efforts.

“We know how to flex our muscles,” he said. “Until there is new leadership, across the board Republicans are going to suffer. Good luck winning elections in November if the same people have the same formula as in 2012 — ‘do nothing and we’ll get the majority,’ they’re at it again.

“I’m sick and tired of picking up the paper and finding these preemptive surrenders, like Boehner today on the debt ceiling. If they did anything that had a taste of fiscal conservatism I’d be shocked,” Bozell continued. “They need a new generation of leadership. There’s no question that these leaders have failed, they’ve not helped.”

Bozell has long a thorn in the side of GOP leaders, most recently calling for Boehner’s ouster if he didn’t acquiesce to conservatives’ demands last fall as the GOP headed into negotiations which led to the government shutdown.

This post was updated at 1:55 p.m.