Presidential races

Pro-Clinton super-PAC goes on the air in North Carolina

The main super-PAC supporting Hillary Clinton’s presidential run has reserved $9 million in ad buys for North Carolina, bringing its total reservations to $145 million of ad spending for the general election.

Priorities USA announced the new Tar Heel State buys — which will run in the Raleigh/Durham, Charlotte and Greensboro markets — on Friday. It’s the eighth swing state targeted by the super-PAC, after previous moves in Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Colorado, Nevada, New Hampshire and Iowa. 

The first spot North Carolinians will see is the recent advertisement from the group using the parents of a young disabled girl criticizing presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump for mocking a disabled reporter. 

The group has been aggressively targeting swing states recently after stockpiling money throughout the Democratic primary. 

Obama narrowly won North Carolina in 2008 by just a few tenths of a percentage point, the only time the state went blue in a general election since 1980.