Presidential races

Trump aide: It’s Clinton who is out of touch

A top Donald Trump aide cast aside Hillary Clinton’s charge that the GOP front-runner is out of touch, turning the attack back onto her.

“That’s rich coming from Hillary Clinton, isn’t it?” Rick Wiley, Trump’s national political director, asked Tuesday evening on MSNBC. 

“This is a secretary of State who is so out of touch with the American public and we look forward to a contest with her in the fall.”

Wiley added that he passed Clinton’s Georgetown home, purchased for $2.85 million, while on his way to the MSNBC studios and needled Clinton for arriving in Iowa last year “under the cover of night.” 

The barb comes in response to Clinton’s attack during a rally Monday. 

“If you want to be president of the United States, you got to get familiar with the United States. You’ve got to spend time with Americans of all sorts and backgrounds in every part of our country,” she said. 

“Don’t just fly that big jet in and land it and go make a big speech and insult everybody you can think of, then get on that big jet and go back to your country club house in Florida or your penthouse in New York. I don’t think that puts you in touch with what’s going on.”