Presidential races

Ad asks Trump: How much jail time for women who get abortions?

A women’s health group is hitting Donald Trump with a new video ad for comments suggesting that women who obtain illegal abortions should be punished.

“Donald Trump says he would ban abortion and, in his words, impose ‘some form or punishment on women who have them,’” the video, released by the National Institute for Reproductive Health Action Fund on Friday, says.

{mosads}It shows women lining up for their mugshots while wiping away tears.

“We have questions, Donald Trump. If you make abortion a crime, doesn’t that make women criminals? How much time should she do? Would you put her doctor in jail, too?”

The GOP White House hopeful faced fire from both sides of the abortion debate this week when he told MSNBC’s Chris Matthews that “there has to be some form” of punishment for women who obtain abortions if they are banned.

He later walked back those comments, saying the only party responsible for an illegal abortion should be the doctor who performed it.