Presidential races

Club for Growth PAC endorses Cruz for president

The political arm for the fiscally conservative group Club for Growth endorsed Ted Cruz for president late Tuesday night.

The group, which has never before endorsed in a presidential primary, has been running millions of dollars’ worth of attack ads against GOP front-runner Donald Trump.

{mosads}Late Tuesday, Club for Growth president David McIntosh said the group was provoked to endorse in the primary by the “vast gulf” between Trump and Cruz on “matters of economic liberty.”

“Their records make clear that Ted Cruz is a consistent conservative who will fight to shrink the federal footprint, while Donald Trump would seek to remake government in his desired image,” McIntosh said.

The Club for Growth PAC did not say whether it would support Cruz financially through television ads.

The group’s ads so far have sought to highlight Trump’s record on eminent domain and past support for a single-payer healthcare system.