Presidential races

Clinton outlines LGBT agenda to promote ‘full equality’

Hillary Clinton is calling for a wide variety of policy aims meant at providing “full equality” for LGBT people. 

“As President, I will continue to fight so that LGBT Americans and families can live, work, and pray free of discrimination,” Clinton said in a new statement from her campaign. “I will not settle for anything less.” 

{mosads}The campaign’s new fact sheet breaks down her call into six planks: full federal equality, supporting those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender in all walks of life, honoring LGBT veterans, lowering the costs of treating HIV and AIDS, protecting transgender rights, and extending those rights to those around the word. 

For full federal equality, the statement reiterates her support for the Equality Act. That would mandate that sexual orientation and gender identity are treated along the same lines as other protected classes like race and national origin as far as discrimination protection.  

Clinton’s policies on helping LGBT families includes easing the burdens same-sex couples face while trying to adopt, strengthening measures to protect LGBT students from being bullied or put into conversion therapy, and providing greater support for LGBT seniors. 

The plan also notes that many veterans were not honorably discharged because of their sexual orientation and calls to change those records, as well as allow transgender troops to serve openly. 

To lower HIV and AIDS treatment costs, Clinton is calling specifically on “Republican governors to extend Medicaid coverage” as part of the Affordable Care Act, a contentious issue well outside the discussion of those illnesses. She also wants to cap out-of-pocket expenses for those with the diseases. 

Clinton’s campaign launched its LGBT for Hillary coalition on Monday, according to the Washington Blade, with support from pop star Ricky Martin, who is gay. 

Her campaign manager, Robby Mook, is the first openly gay campaign manager of a major presidential campaign, according to Mother Jones.