Presidential races

Trump: ‘I am the most fabulous whiner’

Businessman Donald Trump acknowledged Tuesday that he is a whiner.

Trump said he agreed with conservative author Rich Lowry that the celebrity real estate tycoon turned GOP presidential candidate is “the most fabulous whiner in all of American politics.”

{mosads}“Well I think he’s probably right, I am the most fabulous whiner. I do whine, because I want to win,” Trump said on CNN’s “New Day” when host Chris Cuomo asked about Lowry’s remarks in a New York Post column.

“I am a whiner, and I’m a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win. I want to win for our country, and I’m going to make our country great again,” Trump said on CNN.

“Our country right now is a debtor nation, we have airports that are third-world airports, we have roadways that are falling apart, we have bridges that are coming down and that are unsafe,” Trump added. 

Lowry’s column discussed Trump’s “shaky-at-best performance” in the first GOP debate last week, and the fallout as the businessman sought to explain his remark on Megyn Kelly having “blood coming out of her wherever.”

“For someone who prides himself on being the bold truth-teller, Trump has a penchant for trying to litigate his way out of his controversial statements,” Lowry wrote.

Trump’s campaign appears to be rolling along, with a strong performance in several polls conducted after last week’s debate, despite the latest high-profile controversy involving feuding with Fox News.