Vice President Biden will also be campaigning in Florida, with an event in Ocala at 11:30 a.m. and in Sarasota at 3:10 p.m.

Paul Ryan will be campaigning in Wisconsin with an 8:45 a.m. event in Eau Claire, a, 11:15 a.m. event in Green Bay and a 2:45 p.m. event in Racine.

TWEET OF THE DAY: “I don’t give a damn about Election Day after what has happened here. I am worried about the people of New Jersey. #Sandy” — N.J. Gov. Chris Christie (R) 


Polls show the already tight presidential race is getting even closer just a week before Election Day. A handful of polls released Tuesday show President Obama and Republican Mitt Romney either tied or within 1 percentage point of each other. None of the polls show either candidate hitting the 50 percent mark.

{mosads}The latest NPR Battleground poll shows Romney topping Obama with 49 percent support to 48 percent.

Hurricane Sandy is wreaking havoc on polls by making it more difficult to reach voters in some of the key states that could decide the election. Gallup will suspend its daily national polling on account of the storm, and many voters in the battlegrounds of Pennsylvania, Virginia and New Hampshire could be out of reach of pollsters just days before the election.

A new survey from American Research Group gives Romney a slight 1-point edge over Obama, 48 percent to 47, in Colorado.


Restore Our Future, the super-PAC that supports Mitt Romney, plans to spend $20 million on its final ad barrage against President Obama before the election. The super-PAC is airing the ad in Colorado, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin — all swing states with the potential to tip the election.

Romney’s campaign unveiled a television ad that claims “Pennsylvania coal paid the price” for Obama’s policies.


The Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF) and its affiliated nonprofit American Action Network are launching their final pitches in six races, targeting five challengers and one incumbent with a smattering of ads in the final week before the election. CLF is launching its first and only ads against challengers Kyrsten Sinema in Arizona’s 9th District, Brad Schneider in Illinois’s 10th District and Gary McDowell in Michigan’s 1st District, as well as against Rep. John Barrow in Georgia’s 12th District, and is running its final pitch against Pete Gallego in Texas’s 23rd District. AAN is targeting Democrat Val Demings, running in Florida’s 10th District, with its final ad in that campaign.

The House Majority PAC, a Democratic super-PAC, is out with ads in nine districts in what it describes as its “final arguments” in the races. On the target list: Reps. Brian Bilbray (R-Calif.), Mary Bono Mack (R-Calif.), Chip Cravaack (R-Minn.), Francisco “Quico” Canseco (R-Texas), the opponent of Rep. John Barrow (D-Ga.), and Republicans in new or open seats in Arizona, Illinois and Indiana.

KENTUCKY: Republican Andy Barr released a Halloween-themed ad featuring a child dressed up in a mask resembling Rep. Ben Chandler (D). “I wanted to be something really scary for Halloween this year, so I decided to be Congressman Ben Chandler,” the child says. The rest of the ad features him scaring an elderly woman and tossing candy in the air with another trick-or-treater dressed like President Obama, “taking people’s money, like it’s candy!” Barr has seen an opening in recent weeks as an internal poll gave him a slight lead over Chandler.

MASSACHUSETTS: Republican Richard Tisei released a rather unorthodox ad that has no attacks, and no closing pitch — no politics to speak of. Instead, it features a serene clip of Good Harbor Beach in Gloucester, Mass., with the caption “… because you need a break from all the campaign ads.” Tisei led incumbent Rep. John Tierney (D) by 6 points in a Boston Globe poll earlier this month.


The GOP outside groups American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS are combining to spend $10.5 million on 10 Senate races in the final week of the campaign. Their target list includes some surprises: $420,000 in Nebraska, a seat most expected, until recently, to be a lock for state Sen. Deb Fischer (R), as well as $512,000 in New Mexico, where the group hasn’t been spending and where Rep. Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) has had a solid lead in most public polls. They’re also spending $333,000 in Maine on a race most other groups have given up on.

ARIZONA: The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee launched a new ad featuring a breast cancer survivor, Nadine, sharing with voters her fight with cancer and speaking directly to Rep. Jeff Flake (R). “You voted to let insurance companies kick women like me out of the hospital on the same day we had our breasts removed,” she says, and closes with, “you shouldn’t be our Senator.” Meanwhile, Mark Kelly, husband of former Arizona Rep. Gabby Giffords and co-chairman of the Veterans for Carmona group, issued a fundraising plea for Democrat Richard Carmona on Tuesday.

INDIANA: Rep. Joe Donnelly‘s (D-Ind.) campaign is out with a new ad attacking Indiana state Treasurer Richard Mourdock (R) with a “greatest hits” compilation of the Senate candidate’s controversial statements. 

OHIO: Club for Growth Action launched a new ad against Sen. Sherrod Brown (D) that charges he voted to raise taxes and increase his own pay, while not paying his own taxes. It’s part of an $800,000 buy from the group in the Columbus area, announced last week.

MASSACHUSETTS: Democrat Elizabeth Warren has opened up her largest lead yet over incumbent Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.), according to a Suffolk University poll. Warren takes 53 percent support over Brown at 46 percent support, an increase from her 4-percentage-point lead in a September poll.

NEVADA: The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is out with an ad accusing Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) of “selling out Medicare for millionaires,” while Heller released an ad featuring his parents and attacking Washington, D.C. The Progressive Campaign Change Committee has also started phone banking for his opponent, Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-Nev.), citing her opposition to any changes for Medicare and Social Security.

WISCONSIN: Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) released an ad featuring former President Bill Clinton endorsing her and criticizing former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson, saying “she stood up to the special interests and he stood up for them.” Thompson put out two new spots, one criticizing Baldwin’s economic record and the other featuring Thompson’s wife, Sue Ann, touting his work on healthcare. The ads are the first in weeks from either candidate that aren’t purely negative attacks.


The presidential campaigns locked horns on Tuesday over the competitive status of key battleground states that will determine who has the more likely path to victory through the Electoral College.

Mitt Romney briefly addressed supporters at a “storm relief” event outside of Dayton, Ohio, thanking them for donating emergency supplies for victims of Hurricane Sandy. “I appreciate your generosity. It’s part of the American spirit, the American way to give to people in need,” Romney told the assembled crowd, adding that they gathered “with heavy hearts, as you know, with all the suffering going on in a major part of our country this morning.”

Trying to promote early voting in the swing state of Colorado, the Obama campaign enlisted the help of “Man Men” star Jon Hamm to give a step-by-step explanation of the early-voting process.

Please send tips and comments to Emily Goodin, egoodin@digital-stage.thehill.com; Cameron Joseph, cjoseph@digital-stage.thehill.com; Alexandra Jaffe, ajaffe@digital-stage.thehill.com, and Justin Sink, jsink@digital-stage.thehill.com

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Tags Andy Barr Bill Clinton Dean Heller Deb Fischer Elizabeth Warren Jeff Flake Joe Donnelly John Barrow Martin Heinrich Paul Ryan Pete Gallego Sherrod Brown Tammy Baldwin

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