GOP primaries

Malkin: Kasich a hypocrite on Common Core

Conservative commentator Michelle Malkin slammed John Kasich on education moments after the GOP presidential candidate wrapped up a speech on the same stage.
Malkin, following Kasich during Friday’s session of the Conservative Political Action Conference, took on his support of Common Core state education standards.
{mosads}”My job is not to tell people what they want to hear, but what they need to hear. We just had Gov. John Kasich, a nice guy by all means, who last night during the debate, pretended that he was on the side of local control,” she said.
“Ohio grassroots activists and moms know better. This is a man who smeared home schoolers and teachers.”
Malkin’s speech assailed the Republican establishment as “con men” for abandoning the grassroots on Common Core. 
Moments before directly addressing Kasich by name, she cast the establishment as hypocrites for championing Common Core while campaigning with the grassroots. 
“Now what are they doing? The same thing they always do when grassroots conservatives call them out,” she said. 
“They sneer the people who fought against them and call them out. They sneer at them as hysterical, sneer at them as fringe movements on the internet. And then they go and campaign on our side knowing that they stabbed us in the back.”
Kasich has faced repeated attacks for his previous embrace of Common Core, including a $500,000 ad buy hitting him on the subject ahead of last month’s New Hampshire primary.