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Boehner raised money in Calif. during Selma anniversary

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) missed the weekend’s events commemorating the 50th anniversary of the landmark civil rights marches in Selma, Ala. because he was raising money in California. The news of his schedule was first reported Monday by CNN.

The speaker was in Rancho Mirage and La Quinta for two different events.

“The Speaker was at long-planned political events in California over the weekend,” Boehner Spokesman Michael Steel said.

The president also made a recent trip to Rancho Mirage, though the White House would not say at the time whether he was attending any fundraisers.

{mosads}Critics attacked House Republican leadership last week when it became apparent that they were not planning to send a representative to the celebrations in Selma. Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) announced his intention to attend the events on Friday night.

Steel said Boehner “was proud that so many House Republican Members, including Majority Leader McCarthy, attended the events in Selma — and he will be proud to welcome the heroes of Selma to the Capitol to bestow the Congressional Gold Medal on them.”

The event was attended by President Obama, former President George W. Bush and scores of lawmakers from both sides of the aisle.

Obama delivered a lengthy speech, elements of which served as a rebuke to conservative critics who have suggested that his policies indicate a lack of patriotism.

Obama said there was nothing more American than what happened in Selma, where civil rights marchers set out for Montgomery before being stopped at the foot of the Edmund Pettus Bridge by Alabama state troopers wielding tear gas and billy clubs. Many marchers suffered serious injuries, including now-Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), whose skull was fractured.

The march later went forward with the protection of the federal government.

This story was updated at 1:28 p.m.