Ballot Box

Former Dem senator: ‘Good night’ shaping up for GOP on Nov. 4

Democrats might be losing confidence in their ability to hold onto control of the Senate in the upcoming midterm elections.

Evan Bayh, the former Democratic senator and Indiana governor, suggested Sunday that Republicans would have a “good night” on Nov. 4.

“This is very close,” Bayh told “Fox News Sunday.” “The number of races that are still in play is extraordinarily high, so a lot we’re not going to know until election night.

“But history, geography and the president’s approval rating would suggest it’s going to be a good night for Republicans,” he said.

Bayh served as Indiana’s senator from 1999-2011, after completing two terms as governor of the state.

This time around, Bayh believes control of the Senate could come down to potential runoff elections in Louisiana and Georgia.

“It is a dilemma, because many of these states [with close races] are red states where the president’s not that popular,” Bayh said. 

Conservative political commentator and TV personality Brit Hume said on the same show that the Obama administration has a knack for turning out voters, which could play well for Democrats in tight congressional races.

“The Democrats’ turnout machine is superb,” Hume said.

He added this is a “powerful force that counteracts the fact that is looks like it’s going to be a good Republican year, and may determine whether it’s good enough for Republicans to take control of the Senate.”