Ballot Box

Late-term abortion focus of NC Senate push

Sen. Kay Hagan (D-N.C.) is the target of a $620,000 ad campaign that’s against late-term abortion rights painting the vulnerable incumbent senator as “too extreme.”

{mosads}In the 60-second spot from the Women Speak Out PAC, Ned and Rebecca Ryun tell the story of their 1-pound, 7-ounce daughter Charlotte, born at 24 weeks after Rebecca woke up in pain, bleeding.

“For those that are advocating late-term abortions, like [for] my daughter, these are babies, this is human life and we’re their only voice,” the couple say in the ad. 

“Kay Hagan supports painful late-term abortions,” a female voice says, referring to legislation proposed by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) that would ban abortion after 20 weeks that Hagan does not support.

The ad, part of a broader attack on Democrats who do not support the legislation, is backed with $620,000 and runs Sept. 7-17 in the Raleigh area. 

Women Speak Out PAC, a partner of the Susan B. Anthony List, spent $100,000 on the ad in Raleigh over the summer, part of an overall $1 million budget. 

Hagan is facing a tough reelection battle this fall against state Speaker Thom Tillis (R).