Ballot Box

Christie to fundraise in Iowa

Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.) is slated to travel to Iowa to fundraise for Gov. Terry Branstad (R) as head of the Republican Governors Association.

Christie is expected to help raise money in Iowa for the governor in July and is planning a separate May fundraiser for Branstad in New Jersey, according to The Des Moines Register

An aide to the RGA confirmed the fundraisers as well as another in South Carolina. 

{mosads}Under Christie’s watch, the Republican Governors Association has raised $23.5 million in the first quarter of the year. He traveled to a number of states across the country this year to help raise money. 

His expected visit to Iowa, the first in the nation presidential nominating state, will be his first since the 2012 election when he helped campaign for GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney. 

Christie, who is seen as a potential presidential candidate in 2016, is also expected to attend a fundraiser for Gov. Nikki Haley (R) in South Carolina, the nation’s third presidential nominating state, and host another for her in his home state, according to Real Clear Politics.

Both Haley and Branstad are up for reelection this year. His trips to early presidential nominating states are only a few in a reportedly packed fundraising schedule in the spring.

The RGA has touted its record fundraising under Christie’s leadership even as he has battled the fallout from the George Washington Bridge scandal that has dropped his poll numbers. 

—Updated 3:35 p.m.