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Obama takes to WebMD to plug healthcare plans

President Obama will field questions from users of WebMD next week in the latest in a series of outreach efforts taken by the White House ahead of the March 31 ObamaCare enrollment deadline.

{mosads}Administration officials say that they’re eager to tap into the “enormous reach” of WebMD. The medical reference website sees more than 156 million unique visitors per month, and 60 percent of those users are women — a crucial target demographic for the administration.

Questions can be submitted for the interview, which is set to air March 14. The conversation will be moderated by healthcare journalist Lisa Zamosky.

A third of WebMD users are aged 18-34 — the younger, healthier potential enrollees the administration wants to sign up for insurance to keep premiums low. Nearly four out of every 10 of younger WebMD users are without health insurance.

On Thursday, Obama participated in a town hall with Hispanic broadcasters in a bid to pitch ObamaCare health plans.

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The administration estimates that eight in 10 Hispanics could qualify for either government-funded health insurance or tax breaks to pay for private coverage.

The president, first lady and other senior administration officials have also sat for a number of radio interviews, primarily targeting urban radio networks with audiences with large pockets of uninsured individuals.

Last week, the president announced 4 million Americans had enrolled in the program — 3 million fewer than originally projected by the Congressional Budget Office for the year.