House races

NRCC hits top Democratic targets with attack microsites

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is launching stand-alone attack sites hitting the seven Democratic targets in its Red Zone program, a GOP designation for Democrats’ most vulnerable incumbents.

The Red Zone candidates are Reps. Ann Kirkpatrick (Ariz.), Ron Barber (Ariz.), John Barrow (Ga.), Collin Peterson (Minn.), Mike McIntyre (N.C.), Jim Matheson (Utah) and Nick Rahall (W.Va.), who are all running for reelection in districts won by Republicans in the past three presidential elections.

All seven are elusive GOP targets who have repeatedly managed to eke out reelection wins despite representing tough districts.

Democrats need 17 seats to regain the majority, a tall order for any party but a particularly difficult get in an off-year when the party holding the White House normally loses seats.

But Republicans aren’t taking those 17 seats for granted, and their Red Zone program is an opportunity for the GOP to play offense and work to expand their already considerable margin.

The sites are all labeled like traditional campaign sites — is one; another — opening the possibility that a voter could stumble upon them while seeking information on a given candidate.

And each includes details on the candidates’ voting history and Republican attack lines.

“Ron Barber is running for Congress because he is more interested in keeping his job than making sure there are jobs for you and your family,” reads the site hitting Barber.

The sites all provide the option for a user to donate to the NRCC and sign up to the committee’s mailing list.

NRCC Communications Director Andrea Bozek said the sites are meant to provide the truth about Democratic “frauds.”

“These Democrats are frauds and don’t fit their districts,” she said in a statement. “They continuously say one thing back home, then vote with Nancy Pelosi in Washington. With this new NRCC campaign, voters will finally learn the truth about these two-faced politicians.”

House races