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Mukasey Has What Dems Said They Wanted (Sen. Mitch McConnell)

For the past several months, our Democratic colleagues have asked for a new attorney general. They have spoken at length about the importance of the Justice Department, and the urgent need to install new leadership there as soon as possible.  Democrats said they want someone with “integrity” and “experience” who “respects the rule of law,” and who can “hit the ground running.”

Judge Michael Mukasey possesses the qualities required to lead the Department of Justice, the qualities my Democratic colleagues said they want: experience, integrity, and intellect. His many years on the bench and as a prosecutor, particularly his experience handling complicated terrorism cases, is certainly welcome at an organization that plays such a key role in our nation’s anti-terror efforts.

Now is the chance for our Democratic colleagues to prove they meant what they said.  If they were serious when they cried out for new leadership at the Justice Department, they will follow Senate precedent and evaluate Judge Mukasey based on his record of service, not their own political agenda.

I will review his record and qualifications, and I encourage my colleagues to complete a fair and comprehensive review of their own, without political calculations and without delay. The Senate needs to promptly and fairly consider Judge Mukasey’s qualifications and vote in a timely fashion.

Tags Dismissal of United States Attorneys controversy Kentucky Leadership Michael Mukasey Michael Mukasey Mitch McConnell Person Career Politics

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