RNC spokesperson warns Dems will impeach Trump if they win House

Republican National Committee spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany on Thursday warned that if Democrats win the House in November, they will move to impeach President Trump.

“What makes me nervous is obviously the House. We don’t want to lose the House. We recognize that if we lose the House, there are Democrats who have talked impeachment even though it’s a bogus, baseless theory with no grounding in truth. We do think that losing the House puts that at risk, and puts that in play,” McEnany told Hill.TV’s Krystal Ball and Buck Sexton on “Rising.” 

“Historically we know that the sitting party in power loses seats. It happened to President Obama, but as we know, and as our chairwoman says, we have to defy history,” she continued. 

“So what keeps me up is the fact that history is against us despite all of the great signs we see out there in the economy and elsewhere.” 

McEnany also said Republicans were planning on weaponizing job growth, in addition to targeting House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), in an attempt to drum up support from the base heading into the midterms. 

“We have a new strategy now, not just Nancy Pelosi,  but as the president said, the face of the party, Maxine Waters,” McEnany said. 

“So we’re now not only tying Democrats to Nancy Pelosi, but to this kind of more extreme militant, leftist strain that we at least recognize at the RNC,” she said. 

Republicans have warned of impeachment as well as their need to appoint conservative justices to the Supreme Court as a means of turning out voters in November. 

Trump himself has warned that Democrats will move to impeach him if they win back the House, citing Waters’ call to impeach him. 

“We have to keep the House because if we listen to Maxine Waters, she’s going around saying ‘We will impeach him,’ ” Trump said at a Michigan rally in April. 

However, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has issued a note of caution against efforts to impeach Trump, saying it would end up harming the party before the midterms.

“On the political side I think it’s a gift to the Republicans,” Pelosi said. “We want to talk about what they’re doing to undermine working families in our country and what we are doing to increase their payrolls and lower their costs.”

— Julia Manchester

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