State of the Sharing Economy: A Discussion on the Future of Cross-Border Commerce

State of the Sharing Economy: A Discussion on the Future of Cross-Border Commerce

On Tuesday, May 24, The Hill brought together policymakers and industry specialists from both sides of the border to weigh in on the state of the global sharing economy and the future it holds for U.S.-Canada economic relations. Questions considered included: How can North American policymakers and industry collaborate to safeguard traditional businesses without hindering innovation? What standards or regulations might be needed to ensure the cyber and data security of these new markets?





Featured speakers include:


HON. NAVDEEP BAINS, Canadian Minister of Innovation, Science, and Economic Development

MARYSCOTT GREENWOOD, Executive Director, Canadian American Business Council

DAVE MADER, U.S. Chief Performance Officer & Deputy Director for Management, Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President — invited

DAVE PRYCE, Vice President, Global Government Relations, D2L

ADAM SCHLOSSER, Senior Director & Policy Counsel, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

HUGH STEVENSON, Deputy Director for International Consumer Protection, Office of International Affairs, Federal Trade Commission





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